Christian Schenk - Card-Shark

Contact / Disclaimer
Card-Shark Christian Schenk.
Schliepersberg 43
D-45257 Essen
Phone: +49-201-848 61 61
Fax: +49-201- 848 61 62

On the road:
Cell Phone: (+49-172) 260 98 17

In World Wide Web:
Info [at]

Bicycle 808 ® is a registered trademark of USPCC (U.S. Playing Card Co. Cincinnati, Ohio 45212). All the other brand names I use on this website are registered trademarks of their respective owners. I respect their copyright, I do not want to concurrent with their products in producing playing cards. My only concern is to realize the ideas of creative magicians and produce a very small edition of gaffed cards for them, what no card manufactury can or want to do. I only use genuine card stock from USPCC or a german card manufactury.